Friday, July 13, 2012

Fourteen Months

Nathan, you are fourteen months old!

The biggest news this month is that you started walking!! You began standing independently on a visit to Atlanta and since then you slowly started taking steps here and there. The big walking moment was on July 4, Daddy's birthday, and Mommy and Daddy were both there to witness it! I am so proud at how quickly you've taken to it and you are already mastering your balance and toddling all over. You can't be forced to do it, though, and will quickly fold over and sit if I try to make you stand up when you don't want to.

You love being outside and we've spent more time in the pool trying to keep cool on these hot summer days. We visit the park, whether with friends or on our own, and you love riding bikes. When we're home you pick any of your several ride-on toys and zoom around the house pushing them. We also play a lot of catch with Jax, your best bud. I love seeing the two of you play together!

You're still a great eater but you've become a bit more picky and selective at mealtime. We have to negotiate to get you to eat all your dinner at this point and you have a tendency to throw things off your tray if you don't want it. A bad habit we're trying to stop! You steal all your friends snacks when we get together (such a piggy!) and love "tsh" (goldfish). You've started showing interest in using a spoon and fork and are pretty proud when you can feed yourself! You drink three sippies of Lactaid a day and a bottle at night, but we're going to stop that pretty soon. You transitioned to milk pretty easily and I'll eventually try to wean you to straight whole milk but I'm still a little worried that your tummy can't handle it.
You say "ball" constantly and love throwing them!
You show your strong will every time we have to change your diaper or clothes, twisting and rolling on the changing pad (and often throwing quite the fit). You give your mama a run for her money with your determination and tantrums - a sign of the terrible twos already?! You can be such a sweetie, though, dishing out kisses and high fives and being a great snuggler. Good thing you can be so cute, too, because those tantrums are killer!

You were taking two solid naps a day until recently but lately you've been fighting me hard on the afternoon one. In the past week, you've only taken it twice despite acting exhausted and seeming to need it. We'll see if this is the start of dropping a nap, but if it is we'll have to work on reversing it so we keep the afternoon one!

You've started being a good helped when it comes to cleaning up your toys and you spend lots of time putting things into containers and taking them out. You point at everything and direct what you want or where you want to go. I can't wait for you to be able to say more so we can communicate with each other better! I think a lot of our mutual frustration stems from not being able to understand you.

You're still such a busy, busy boy and so daring. I spend a lot of my days making sure you don't get into trouble or hurt yourself! I love it, though, and I'm so happy I can spend all my time with you. Being your mama is the best job ever!

No rocking chair photo this month - you simply won't stay still!

Fourteen Month Stats:

Weight - 25 pounds

Clothes - mostly 24m but some 18 still fit

Diapers - size 4


Sjn said...

Can't wait to see him in a few days! And you too ;-)

Kelly said...

It was SO fun to watch him walking today!!! Can't wait for this weekend to see it in person :)

Stefanie said...

Getting so big so fast!