Tuesday, January 4, 2011

20 weeks - halfway there!

Whoa, how did 20 whole weeks pass by already?! I feel incredibly unprepared for Baby M and think the nesting has started to kick in, because I basically want to gut all the rooms in my house and get rid of all clutter to prep for a new nursery. I have all the best intentions and ideas...now if I could just get the energy to do it all!
How far along: 20 weeks, 20 more to go!

Size of baby: a small canteloupe, about 6.5 inches and 10.6 oz. (or about 3/4 lb. according to the doc)

Total weight gain/loss: holding steady at +8 lbs

Maternity clothes: all maternity pants and a mix of tops. I need to go shopping for more work clothes now that the holidays are over and I can't wear jeans everyday.

Gender: it's a boy!!!!! Thank you Baby M for cooperating at the ultrasound - we are so excited!

Movement: he was definitely wiggling and jiggling during our appointment, and while I don't always know if I feel it I am so relieved to have seen him doing okay in there.

Sleep: the Snoogle is amazing! Ryan jokes that it's trouble, because now I sleep like a rock. I am just happy to have some support on my side since I hate sleeping that way so much.

What I miss: nothing I can think of.

Cravings: I haven't had any strong cravings lately but I have been wanting chocolate a bit more, which is more like me. I also never pass up salt.

Symptoms: I've been so fortunate and haven't really had anything major going on lately.

Best moment this week: having our doctor's appointment, seeing the baby moving around, hearing his strong little heartbeat (always makes me tear up) and finding out that we're having a boy! We would have been happy either way, I was more thankful that he is healthy and measuring perfectly, but it is so nice knowing and being able to say "him" instead of "him/her" or "it". Now I can get to planning more!!


Kelly said...

I loved that snoogle! But Linc came to think of it as the enemy (even though I would leave for work and he hold rolled over to snuggle it...Enjoy ;)

Stefanie said...

Hurray for the halfway point! So exciting!!