Sunday, January 30, 2011

24 weeks

The countdown is really starting to tick in my head and I am ready to get some bigger things done around the house to prep for Baby M! Ryan has a big work trip this week, so I gave him until this trip was over before wanting to crack down on moving furniture and reorganizing. I can't wait!
How far along: 24 weeks

Size of baby: an ear of corn, about 12 in. and just over 1 lb. (gaining 4 oz. since last week)

Total weight gain/loss: +12-13 lbs. (I attended a baby shower today and kept hearing how tiny I am! I guess I should take it as a compliment, but I wouldn't mind more of a bump. It was funny to compare bellies with the other three preggos that were there.)

Maternity clothes: pants for sure but still a mix of tops. I have some dresses on order, so we'll see how they look.

Gender: a boy!

Movement: he's definitely a wiggler and it's so amazing to feel a range of flutters and kicks throughout the day. He was even moving when the doctor used the Doppler to check his heartbeat at our appointment last week!

Sleep: I've been having anxiety dreams throughout the week, and they have nothing to do with the baby. I wish I dreamt about Baby M! Otherwise, I am sleeping really well and through the night without having to get up most nights.

What I miss: being able to play 3 sets of tennis without feeling like I'm going to die. It's getting harder and harder to make it through the match and the next day I feel pretty rough. My time may be running out for this...

Cravings: nothing major this week.

Symptoms: more back pain and round ligament pain, but for the most part I still amazingly feel really good.

Best moment this week: having a routine doctor's appointment and hearing Baby M on the Doppler. I am measuring right on track and everything seems to be just fine. Another highlight was having date night with Ryan last night. We just went to dinner and came home to watch a movie, but it was so lovely to snuggle on the couch and have alone time with just the two of us. I know we need to take advantage before the baby comes so I am soaking it up!


Sjn said...

you are looking great! xoxo

Kelly said...

I never had any baby dreams of Hami...and even now I have only dreamed about C once! Oh well ;)