Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Parade

Baldwin Park hosted a Festival of Lights and Christmas Parade last night so we decided to walk over and take Nathan to see the sights. I love that we can just walk there! His Lolly, Ryan's mom, joined us so that she could take the baby back home and we could stay for a dinner date.

We got there right as the Winter Park High School marching band was parading by. Nathan was in awe with everything that was going on! I just love how his eyes get wide as he soaks it all in. Such a serious little observer!

We had such a great time watching various groups and floats march past us. It was a nice night - not too hot, not too cold - and a fun family activity that I hope we can enjoy for years to come!


Sjn said...

Wow, the lights in the background look amazing! What a nice and festive evening out for you all!

Kelly said...

I'm glad his little outfit worked out! I'm saving ours for another year (or different baby).