Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Too good to be true?!

Okay, we have an angel pup. Last night she actually slept through the night! We were amazed when we woke up at a normal hour this morning. Unfortunately, she isn't completely perfect. We found some worm bits in her...well, you know...so Ryan stopped at the vet again at lunch time to get her some medicine. Hopefully that wipes them right out!

I went to cook dinner tonight, with Jax playing by herself like a good girl, and as soon as I cut open the chicken package I knew something was wrong. I don't remember ever having a smell come from the raw chicken before (although, I don't remember ever checking) but despite the expiration date being three days away, it smelled rotten. Bummer!

Since we really only had the food in the house for the chicken parm I was about to prepare, we opted for pick-up from Cheesecake Factory instead. Jax made the trip with us, first to the gas station and then to the curbside pick-up. She seems not to mind the car at all, and I love it because she snuggles up in my arms and falls right asleep. I may have to drive around with her each day for a daily dose of cuddling!

She's sleeping now (she was asleep on my legs but I finally had to get up because the wood floor was killing my bum) but here is a little clip of her playing with one of her favorite toys earlier. The funny thing is that she likes to chew on her toys laying on her side. Silly girl!

[it's note quite working, so I will keep trying and post as soon as I can]

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