To capture what's been going on in the Morgan house, I have the most brilliant, eloquent blog posts my head.
In fact, when I'm laying awake in the middle of the night, unable to fall back to sleep after Nathan beckons me (I swear I am starting to have insomnia), I often find myself composing updates and repeating clever, interesting prose over and over. It's a sickness, I think.
We've had lots going on and I have lots of photos to download so I can capture the fifth (!) month of our little monkey's life. It may just have to wait another few days (or weeks) while I organize our life around our big, upcoming MOVE!
That's right, after living at "The Yards" for three and a half years for me and six years for Ryan, we are packing up our family and moving to a new house - a bigger space in a better neighborhood with a great yard and a fabulous open floorplan for entertaining. I am so excited!
We close tomorrow and have a week of work in the empty house before moving all of our things over. It's a lot of different workers and deliveries to coordinate but I am so looking forward to it all coming together.
So I'll continue to compose my updates instead of counting sheep and hope that eventually they make it onto the blog. That, or I'll keep packing in my head. Yeah, I've been doing that, too. I told you, it's a sickness.
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
3 days ago