Monday, September 5, 2011

Jumping Bean

We have quite the kicky feet in our house so I figured Nathan was getting strong enough to try out a new toy - the jumperoo! Cousin Carter has one we were going to borrow but I just couldn't wait so we ordered our own and got it all set up last week. He isn't exactly tall enough to touch the ground in it, but a little towel support and he can bounce to his heart's content. (love these footie pajamas!)

He's quite taken with the lights and sounds and I'm not sure he knows just what to do with it yet, but it looks like it's going to be fun!

Of course, Jax is curious about this new contraption and had to get a closer look. Poor girlie just doesn't know what to do with all this baby stuff in the house!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Look at his tiny little feet! So adorable! He'll be a jumping bean before you know it. And now the good news is when you come to visit he can jump at our house too ;)