Friday, September 9, 2011

Four Month Well Visit

After visiting the doctor three times in the past month for a mysterious poop issue (we've seen some blood but all tests come back negative so we're hoping it's nothing), we were back again for Nathan's four month check-up.

He's packed on the weight in the last two months and is up to 14 pounds now! 
Even still, he's only in the 25th percentile.

His head measured 16.75 inches (in the 50th percentile)

And he grew to 25.25 inches long (also 50th percentile).

Our little monkey is long and lean!

The doctor said he checked out perfectly and is doing great. 
Nathan was super happy with that news and chatted it up while we waited for the dreaded 4-month shots.

Poor guy didn't know what was coming!

I couldn't help but take a photo of his feet ("clapping") - they are too cute!

He got an oral injection and three shots. After a quick bout of screaming and his face turning redder than I've ever seen, the bubs ended up calming down and acted fine. He was even talking and smiling as we left the office. I was so proud of him!

We got the all clear to start solids when we want to but I am not sure he is ready (or that I am for that matter) so we're going to hold off for a few more weeks. Nothing else major to report and it was an overall great check-up!


Sjn said...

wow, solid food! Maybe we can try when you come for your visit?

Kelly said...

Wait a little bit longer to start and you can get my Beaba Baby Cooker!