Monday, March 16, 2009

Weekend Landscape Challenge

The challenge: a barren side yard that made each arrival home less than welcoming.
The solution: a day's worth of landscaping that tackled painting over bare spots on the side of the house, ripping out the last of the dead bushes, and replanting seven (count 'em, seven) new shrubs along with bags and bags of mulch.
I spent Saturday running from the Farmer's Market (no luck) to Home Depot and back home again, not being able to find any white azaleas around. Instead, I settled on some nice Indian Hawthorne bushes, which I am told are very drought tolerant. I was so proud of my work once I was finally done. It looks so much better!

(I'll update with real photos later...this one is just from a Google search)

Now, onto the next landscape project. More details to come...

1 comment:

Sjn said...

Can't wait to see it all at Easter!