I was a little reluctant to have Jax off leash since I wasn't sure whether or not she'd try to run away, and I was also a little nervous about how she'd do with new, stranger pups all around. But I was so pleasantly surprised at how well she did, and how much fun she had. The best part, though, was how much she loved swimming in the lake!
Here's a video of her splashing around, trying to eat the water and jumping like a little kangaroo.
Look at my little niece! She is So cute! I wish we had a park with water, I am sure Wes would love that!
Maybe next weekend we'll take you guys up to Windermere and wear them out!
Aw she is so cute and looks like she's having so much fun! I'm sad I missed that trip, we will have to go again soon!! I don't know about Jax but Bella has been tired all weekend since that trip! :)
Jax needs another trip to the Lake house. We saw dogs today jumping off the little rock! A yellow lab and her sister dachsund, if you can believe it! Too funny! We need Wes and Jax to show them up.
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