Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Boo-boo baby

Our poor little girl has a boo-boo on her belly and after determing that a cone on her head (!) would do no good to keep her from scratching it, Jax is now fashioning a little tube top around her skinny mid-section to help it heal.

After spending the day at the vet, the poor pup must be exhausted, because she is curled up on her dad's lap sleeping, which is so not like her. Here's hoping she heals before Christmas so she doesn't need the tube top for our trip to Atlanta!


Sjn said...

so... what's the injury? how did she get this Boo-boo?

Kelly said...

Yikes! What happened?

The Nealons said...

Seriously...did she have some kind of surgery we don't know about?! Hurried healing wishes to Jax!