I got some smiles toward my belly at work today. Looks like I'm starting to show! We have a doctor appointment tomorrow, which I am very much looking forward to, so I'll have more to report after that but in the meantime, here are my weekly stats.
(and yes, I am wearing the same thing as last week - it's easier to track the difference, no?)How far along: 16 weeks
Size of baby: an avocado, about 4.5 inches and 3.5 oz.
Total weight gain/loss: +4 lbs. (one since last week - we'll see if I'm on track at the doctor tomorrow)
Maternity clothes: still a mix of regular pants with Bella bands and maternity jeans. not sure how much longer that is going to last, though!
Gender: still anxiously awaiting!
Movement: maybe? could it be? I've definitely felt some "popping" and a bit of fluttering, but usually after a meal so perhaps it's just my insides moving things around. I try to lay very still at night to try and feel something to the point I almost hold my breath, which I am sure isn't good for baby!
Sleep: soaking it up while I can.
What I miss: aside from the wine, I'm really doing okay.
Cravings: Mexican and baked potatoes. I am also enjoying Christmas cookie time, although I am still not really that into sweets right now.
Symptoms: still enduring those stretchy pains from last week, along with some cramping, and heartburn. Maybe Baby M will come out with a full head of hair?!
Best moment this week: hearing the amazing news that my mom made it through her surgery and seems to be recovering remarkably well. While not directly baby-related, Baby M needs his/her Hattie so I am so glad to hear she is doing well. Praise God for taking such good care of her!