Nathan visited Dr. Alber on Monday for his two-month well visit. I had a laundry list of questions since it had been so long since his last appointment. Everything checked out great although poor little guy was miserable the whole time.
He checked in at 11 pounds even (36 percentile).

And he was 22 1/2 inches long - three whole inches since he was born! (also 36 percentile)

His head measured 15 3/4 inches (46 percentile).

After all the measuring, it was time for the dreaded shots. The first was oral, so it was no problem. He actually seemed to like it. The other three were needles in his upper thighs. I'm pretty used to hearing Nathan cry at this point (that may sound like I'm an awful mom - but seriously, the little monkey is just loud!) but it broke my heart to see him react to the injections. His face turned bright red and his eyes welled up. He cried and cried and I felt awful!
The rest of the afternoon was spent napping and then, another outburst of crying later, we ran out for Tylenol to help relieve some of the pain (and the slight fever). He was a trooper, though! It'll be interesting to see how much he changes by his next appointment at 4 months!
poor little Bub. Hope he's feeling better each day from those awful shots and back to normal soon.
Unfortunately, those shots don't get any easier but they're tough! Just give him some extra mommy loving afterward and he'll be fine :)
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