Brr! Okay, I know it's a little silly for someone in Florida to be commenting on it being chilly, but after the gorgeous 80* day we had yesterday, being 52* right now is quite a drop! A cold front blew in this morning with pretty heavy rain and it's been really windy all day.
I must admit, I love the cold and am super jealous that some of my family and friends may have experienced a pretty snowy day up in Atlanta (crazy!) but it was also pretty nice to "sunbathe" outside in the backyard yesterday while watching Jax play.
I must admit, I love the cold and am super jealous that some of my family and friends may have experienced a pretty snowy day up in Atlanta (crazy!) but it was also pretty nice to "sunbathe" outside in the backyard yesterday while watching Jax play.
I guess it just goes to show you that March really does come in like a lion!
In other news, I spent a lovely day yesterday with some girlfriends, getting our nails done and then later grabbing drinks and dinner. All the while, our spouses were off competing in the Man Olympics (they had some other official name for it - with a trophy and all - but I can't remember it). Earlier in the week, I had helped Ryan finish his very own Tailgate Toss boards, which he had built last weekend. Unfortunately, the bean bags I was also supposed to make for him did not turn out because I could not figure out the flipping sewing machine that I borrowed from a friend. Oh, well. They seemed to get by without them.

We also took Jax to her first puppy training course today at Petsmart. She is in a class with 3 other pups, and the funniest part is that she is the biggest one there! This was her first experience with smaller dogs and she handled it pretty well. A teeny-tiny Yorkie wanted to play during class so I let Jax down a couple times to check him out and she let him bat at her face and jump at her. She would have loved to play more but I felt a little rude letting them nip at each other while our instructor was trying to talk, so I had to end things before they got too into it. We didn't learn too much today, but I think the 8-week course will turn out to be pretty useful.
I finally got some other stuff done this weekend, as well, like painting a couple of baby gifts for a new mom and mom-to-be. I need to go buy more supplies so I can keep creating these onesies. I am thinking of setting up a shop on Etsy, because it gives me a creative outlet and I really enjoy doing it (plus, a little cash from my creations wouldn't be bad, either!).
I finally got some other stuff done this weekend, as well, like painting a couple of baby gifts for a new mom and mom-to-be. I need to go buy more supplies so I can keep creating these onesies. I am thinking of setting up a shop on Etsy, because it gives me a creative outlet and I really enjoy doing it (plus, a little cash from my creations wouldn't be bad, either!).
(this one is for a close family friend, whose nursery will be using this PB Kids pattern below.)

the birdies are adorable and perfect for her nursery theme! She's going to be so surprised! I better get going on my part!
two things:
reece has the penelope bedding, too!
i just made beanbags for a bean bag toss game that ben made for reece's birthday party on saturday!
you should open an etsy shop! that would be so fun! i am addicted to crafting, too!
2 things--I didn't know Reece had that bedding. Super cute
And YES you must open an Etsy shop. You are too talented not to do it! I'm blogging about you right now
your onesies are adorable! i hope that you end up selling them on etsy. :)
First of all, I long for 50ยบ! I just glanced at the temperature here and it is hush on being cold! :)
Secondly, your little creations are so cute! You should definitely start an Etsy store if you have time.
Love you and miss you...big hugs!
You should definately sell stuff on etsy.
I tagged you! :-p go over to my blog!
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