We're continuing to settle into our new life with a newborn and learning all of his little quirks and traits. And while we have our moments of complete, overwhelming helplessness in knowing what to do, I think Ryan and I are doing okay and make a great team raising this tiny blessing. I am so grateful that God chose us to be his parents!
Nathan is just plain adorable and melts my heart each time I look at him. His personality is still forming, I'm sure, but already we've seen he has quite the temper and can be quite impatient (like his parents) - especially when he is hungry. But he also has moments of sweet, snugliness that I could just eat up! He also stays more alert with each day and I love staring into those navy blue eyes wondering what he is processing in that little head (and if they'll stay that color).
The last week brought about a few firsts for our little monkey. He got his first piece of mail...

Then, dinner out with friends finished our big day out.
Nathan was an angel and slept through the entire meal. Thank goodness!
We took him to the outlets and mall today, too, and he continued to impress with his ability to sleep through the entire outing. Planning our treks out of the house in between feedings is a challenge, but so far he has been doing great!
At 3 weeks, here are some other things that are going on:
- We are not on a schedule by any means and continue to feed on-demand. It ends up being about every 3 hours, but Nathan has gone a few 4-5 hour stretches. I just wish they would be in the middle of the night and not during the day so mom and dad could get better sleep!
- I am only 5-7 pounds away from pre-pregnancy weight, which is amazing to me. Thank the constant night sweats, breastfeeding, and the antibiotics that have an awful side effect of not letting any food stick with me (tmi, i know), I suppose. But even with the number being close to what I was, my body is a totally different shape. It was a huge mistake to attempt clothes shopping today and I left empty handed and depressed that this is not my body.
- Nathan is definitely growing and filling out his newborn size clothes better. He may even be getting a little long for some of his outfits that definitely show some extra stretch now.
- We've been using gas drops for the poor little fella because he seems to have a hard time burping. They have been a huge help and I think they're providing relief for him.
- I fall more in love with this boy each and every day and I am so excited to watch him grow (although, I'm fine soaking up this time when he's teeny-tiny...he doesn't need to rush it!)
Such a little angel! Glad you could get out of the house!
miss you all so much!
you should rename the blog "newly MOMMY morgan." XO
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