I spent the night rocking Nathan in the recliner in his nursery and sleeping in the chair with him in my arms so Ryan could get some sleep for an early morning wake-up call. The poor fella seems to have his nights and days mixed up and doesn't seem to want to sleep when his dad and I are ready for some shut eye. Let's just say I am a bit exhausted, to say the least.
It's hard to believe Nathan is already 2 weeks old and we've been at this whole parenting bit for that long. Our time in the hospital feels so far away already and yet everything is still so new that I am a bit overwhelmed.
Nathan has been doing really well - eating with a ferocious appetite, gaining weight and developing as he should. At his 2 week appointment yesterday, he had gained back his birth weight and then some hitting the scale at 7 pounds, 2 ounces. He's also grown a bit and is now 19 5/8 inches long (a whole 5/8 inch more than at birth!). The doctor seemed pleased with how he's doing and we know he's been just great!
I, on the other hand, am a mess. These postpartum hormones are crazy and I cry at the drop of a hat. Ryan must think I'm looney. I'm scared that I may not be doing a good job or that I don't know what I'm doing and there are moments when poor Nathan is wailing and I am so lost that I don't know how to console him.
I know this shall all pass, too quickly I'm sure, and I'll long for the early newborn days when our teeny-tiny relied so much on us (and particularly me) before he became independent and self-sufficient. I just need to keep reminding myself of that at 4 in the morning when I'm at my wits end because the little one doesn't seem to want to sleep.
In the meantime, it's a good thing we got that recliner and it's so comfy! I have a feeling last night won't be the last time I spend my sleep rocking my baby through the night.
Welcome Spring Without the Bins
12 hours ago
I know it is hard, SOO much harder than anyone could have prepared you for but it gets better, it gets easier, and you are doing an awesome job! You have to take advantage of those naps during the day. The laundry can wait and the dishes can be done later because you'll be back on your game the more sleep you get. Don't expect to be able to handle everything right away. You have to recover first and then the rest will come! I love you xooxxo
Yes, you are doing great! It gets better in leaps and bounds. Already you are doing the right thing, just trying to sleep however you can. I had postpartum hormonal craziness and crying with both babies, but after three weeks it eased up. I'm hoping the same for you. Chin up, you are doing wonderfully.
Ha, it definitely WILL NOT be the last time. I just did it a few weeks ago when Nora had ear infections and couldn't lay down with the pressure. He will figure out days and nights soon enough. :)
I know you are doing an amazing job! I can't wait to see you and meet little Nathan! I'll take a night shift...I just can't feed him. :) Oh, and sometimes they just cry...unconsolably. Don't take it personally. I know Nikki and I both went through the same thing with our boys, especially when they were little bitty.
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