Some burp cloths, personalized of course...
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Crafts for Nathan
Some burp cloths, personalized of course...
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
36 weeks
Baby is still breech. With his feet way up by his head.
At my last appointment, the doctor I saw thought Nathan had turned and even had me feel his "butt" and "head" as she poked around. Either she was wrong or he's flipped again because he is pretty high up and still snuggling head-up by my ribs.
So after a long discussion with the doctor and Ryan and I weighing the options, we went ahead and scheduled a c-section. And basically picked our baby's birthday. It's crazy!
There is a part of me that is relieved. We know when he's coming (for the most part - he could always surprise us) and it makes it so much easier to "schedule" my family to be here for his birth.
On the other hand, I am apprehensive about having major surgery and the whole recovery process. That part of me wonders if any tricks or "exercises" I've read can really help the baby turn on his own so I can try for a vaginal delivery. I actually spent 20 minutes when I got home tonight trying one.
I'm praying for wisdom and direction in the next couple of weeks to understand God's plan for our baby's arrival. I know He knows what He's doing and that there is a reason for everything, so we'll see how things go for my next two appointments (which are now weekly) to see if He changes anything or if this is truly the plan.
As a side note, Nathan is truly his mama's boy and proved to be just as stubborn as in past appointments for this ultrasound - not only was he presenting breech, he was facing backward so we couldn't even get a shot of his face! The best the tech got was a foot. Silly boy!
Size of baby: a crenshaw melon (no clue), about 18.5 in. and almost 6 lb.
Total weight gain/loss: +29 lbs (I hate having to admit this at this point) I will say, though, that I still have an "innie" but it's almost completely flat.
Maternity clothes: almost everything I wear at this point.
Gender: a boy!
Movement: Nathan's heartbeat was strong on the ultrasound this morning and he is definitely still moving around - just with less and less room. He also gets the hiccups quite a bit, which are such a bizarre feeling!
Sleep: I tried a new trick last night because my hips have been hurting so much while I sleep. I propped myself to almost sitting and used a neck pillow Ryan bought on a business trip recently so my head wouldn't roll around. It was actually quite comfy and I lasted a few hours before settling down and going back to side-sleeping. I'm also getting up about twice a night, which is more frequently than before but still not as bad as I ever thought this far along in the pregnancy.
What I miss: fitting in my shoes! My feet are so swollen, I am limited to just a couple pairs that don't hurt. Really missing that back-sleeping, too, now that my hips hurt so much at night.
Cravings: still sweets but also fresh fruit (something healthy!). I got pineapple, strawberries and watermelon over the weekend and have eaten almost all of it already for various meals and snacks. Yum!
Symptoms: swelling, heartburn, sciatica, waddling, increased clumsiness, the list goes on. Ah, how lovely pregnancy can be!
Best moment this week: not necessarily the best, but the most momentous - I got out of work early on Thursday for the long Easter weekend so I took advantage and went to the hospital to preregister. I am now all set to check in without having to fill out mounds of paperwork when baby comes! (Although, admittedly, it wasn't bad at all and actually was so easy so I am sure I could have handled it when the time came but I'm glad to have it over with.)
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Happy Easter!
What a joyous day and such a great reminder of all the many blessings God has given in our lives. I absolutely love Easter and all the tradition and celebration behind it.
While I've been a bit distracted this year to do anything major to celebrate, I did finally set out some decorations and bought my must-have Cadbury Mini-Eggs. They're the best Easter candy by far!
After church, we are getting together with Ryan's family and I'm looking forward to reflecting on what this day means and having a quiet afternoon of celebration.
I hope you and your loved ones have a very Happy Easter!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
A name for the nursery
What started as six plain square canvases slowly became 10x10 blocks of color...
Monday, April 18, 2011
35 weeks
Mondays are tough for me. I don't know if it's because it's the first day back at work after the weekend or what, but the last few weeks have had rough Mondays. Today was especially busy - I had a new associate start at work and between meetings all day and trying to get him acquainted with his new office, I didn't sit down to check emails until 5 pm and I couldn't even get through them all before needing to head home to rest.
I am feeling a bit overwhelmed with the preparations for maternity leave. I don't typically write about work on my blog, but it's definitely something that is starting to overshadow my final weeks before Baby M arrives. I know he will come when God is ready but I just hope I am able to get everything wrapped up between now and then!
How far along: 35 weeks
Size of baby: a honeydew melon, more than 18 in. and about 5.25 lb.
Total weight gain/loss: +27 lbs (this gets more and more depressing but I have to think that my baby is growing and *hopefully* healthy so the weight gain is all worth it)
Maternity clothes: definitely growing tired of my lack of choices for work - especially since it's warming up and most of my "nicer" tops are for cooler weather so I end up sweating in the office! I find myself overheating in meetings only to find out after the fact from colleagues that no one else is hot. My internal furnace is keeping things toasty!
Gender: a boy!
Movement: I can tell it's getting tighter in there because Nathan doesn't have the exagerated waves of motion anymore but I do feel him kick quite a bit. He's pretty high still (the doctor even confirmed last week at my appointment) and I can feel him wedged up in my right ribs. She did think he had turned, though, which is great news.
Sleep: yes, please! I love my sleep and still slumber really hard each night.
What I miss: being more active (did I really just say that?!). I miss getting some kind of exercise but it's just so hard right now.
Cravings: there was a birthday celebration in the office today and it was the perfect combination of red velvet cake calls (homemade and amazing!) and Whole Foods cupcakes. No wonder my weight gain keeps ticking up and up!
Symptoms: swelling - both in my feet and fingers. By the time I got home from work today, my shoes were so tight and my feet looked like they had been stung by bees. I've also had nasty heartburn (had to buy more Tums this weekend) and backache, supporting all this extra weight.
Best moment this week: a visit from my mom! We started the long weekend with a quick zip down to Vero Beach to look at potential vacation homes for my parents. I admittedly was not looking forward to spending all day 8 months pregnant and walking around but I actually had a really good time and liked seeing all the different properties. Hopefully one will work out for them! The rest of the visit was spent shopping and running errands to get final supplies before baby comes and wrapping up some nursery projects. It was so nice to have my mom here for a few days and all that we accomplished made me feel so much more ready for Nathan to arrive. It's hard to believe the next time I see her he will be here!